Communication Management Forum 2017: Verhoeven and Tkalac Verčič keynote speakers
The second international scientific conference Communication Management Forum, to be held on 12 and 13 May, will be opened by renowned European experts from the fields of public relations and corporate communications.
Assoc. Prof. Piet Verhoeven, PhD, university professor from Amsterdam, and Prof. Ana Tkalac Verčič, PhD, from the University of Zagreb, are the keynote speakers of Communication Management Forum 2017, the second international scientific conference organised by the Edward Bernays College of Communication Management. Dr Verhoeven will talk about the topic Crisis? What crisis? Reflections on the definition, meaning and practice of crisis communication, while Dr Tkalac Verčič will talk about the topic Crisis responsibility and corporate reputation – moving ahead in difficult times.
Dr Piet Verhoeven is a lecturer at several higher education institutions in Amsterdam, and he has focused his research work on the topics of corporate communications and media, and the dynamics of business news and crisis communication. Since 2008 he is a member of the research team of the European Communication Monitor (ECM), and besides the annual survey conducted among corporate communication professionals throughout Europe, Dr. Verhoeven, in cooperation with other researchers, is a supervisor on several doctoral projects such as Media and the stock market: Assessing mutual relationships, and The dynamics of company news: content, causes and consequences of news about large Dutch corporations.
Dr Ana Tkalac Verčič is a well-known public relations and marketing researcher and lecturer in this part of Europe, and her research interests are marketing communication, public relations and internal communication. She is also the author of the first Croatian university textbook on Public Relations, an exceptionally important contribution to public relations as a contemporary communications discipline in Croatia. After the expert review by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, this textbook has become the first book encompassing practical and theoretical knowledge in our field holding the status of university textbook.
The objective of Communication Management Forum 2017 will be deepening understanding of the definition and meaning of crisis as a framework for understanding crisis events in practice. All papers presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings with international editorial board, while the best papers will be published in the international scientific journal Communication Management Review.
The first edition of this international academic gathering generated significant interest in the academic community, gathering numerous researchers and experts from the areas of communication management and related disciplines. Participating in the first conference were 200 participants, and over 100 researchers and experts from 10 countries presented their research and experiences.